Six Healing Sound Qi Gong   

Sixth Sound "Xi"--Regulates the Triple Warmer

  Xi regulates the triple warmer.

     Raise both hands in a holding form up to the acupuncture point Shanzhong (Middle chest) in the
front of the chest; accompanying exhalation, read the word "xi" (the two lips are slightly open and
slightly drawn in, the tongue stretches out levelly but with a retreating inclination), meanwhile, both
arms revolve inward, the palms turn over and push up to form the posture of propping the sky with
two hands, the palms facing upward and the fingertips of one hand pointing at those of  the other, 


and exhale completely. During the following inhalation, both arms revolve outward, the palms turn

over to face backward, both arms descend along at front the face to the chest; then exhale again

(without reading the word), both palms turn over and press down, along at front the abdomen to

the sides of both hips. Repeat the above movements 6 times totally.

 Meditation directions 

First Sound

When exhaling (reading the word), conduct Qi by mind. Conduct Qi to flow from the acupuncture

Second Sound

point Qiaoyin (Orifice Tin) on the outer portion of the nails of the fourth toes of  the  feet upward

Third Sound

along the outer portions of the legs to the head and transfer into the Triple-Warmer meridian , of

Fourth Sound

 the Hand Shaoyang, along the outer portions of the arms to the acupuncture point  Guanchong 

Fifth Sound

(Pass Rush) at the ends of the ring fingers of the hands. Accompanying inhalation, conduct the Qi

Sixth Sound

of the Triple-Warmer meridian to turn and flow downward to return to the Gallbladder 
Channel acupuncture point Qiaoyin(Orifice Tin) at the tips of the four toes of the feet.

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