Six Healing Sound Qi Gong

Second Sound "Ke"--Take Care of the Heart

   Ker is related to the heart and the small intestine, it external sense organ is the tongue and its  emotion is joy.

         While coordinating with respiration, raise both hands to shoulder level, inhale when 
turning the palms up; the two hands make a curve respectively in front of the chest and 
read the word "ke" (the mouth is half closed with the tongue placed against the mandible). 
Exhale completely . Do 6 times totally.


Meditation directions

First Sound

         When exhaling, conduct Qi by mind. The Qi of the Spleen meridian flows from the 

Third Sound

acupuncture point Yinbai (Hidden White) on the medial portions of the big toes of the feet, 

Fourth Sound

along the inner portions of the legs, upward to the abdomen and meets with the Chong 

Fifth Sound

meridian (Vital meridian), into the heart, past the lung, gets out from the armpits, along

Sixth Sound

the inner portions of the arms down to the acupuncture point Shaochong (Little Rush) on 
the medial portions of the little fingers of the hands.

Workshop Video 

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